About Us
The Venaria Reale complex is managed by a Consortium in charge of the promotion of La Venaria Reale (Consorzio delle Residenze Reali Sabaude) made up of the Ministry of Culture, Regione Piemonte, the Venaria Reale Town Council, Compagnia di San Paolo and Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura.
It is a new legal entity that has appeared on the cultural scene pursuant to articles 112 and 115 of the Italian Cultural Heritage Code.
The innovative administrative profile of the Consortium ensures considerable autonomy to La Venaria Reale: the Consortium is in charge of the Reggia, the Gardens, the Citroniera and the Stables.
The President is Michele Briamonte, the Director is Guido Curto.
- Organi di indirizzo politico-amministrativo (in italian)
The Consortium has its headquarters in the Reggia di Venaria, piazza della Repubblica 4 - Venaria Reale (TO)
Partita IVA 09903230010
Tax identification no. 97704430012
Phone +39 011 4992300
Fax +39 011 4598432
For information and contact: tel. +39 011 4992300
Or find in Organizzazione below the Consorzio trasparente section (in italian).