Jungle. The Animal Imagery in Fashion | Exhibitions | La Venaria Reale

Jungle. The Animal Imagery in Fashion

Exploring the different ways in which animal coats and shapes have been interpreted by fashion

From 12 April to 27 August 2017 - Rooms of the Arts, First floor, Reggia di Venaria

Traces the evolution of animal print and zoomorphisms through one hundred fashion creations and accessories exploring the different ways in which animal coats and shapes have been interpreted by fashion.

For more information: ph. +39 011 4992333
Educational Department: [email protected] - ph. +39 011 4992355

The exhibition is designed and produced by Consorzio La Venaria Reale

Exhibition concept: Ludovica Gallo Orsi 
Scientific Direction: Simona Segre Reinach 
Exhibition Staging: Costanza Carboni 
Curated by Costanza Carboni, Ludovica Gallo Orsi, Simona Segre Reinach

Scientific Committee
Patrizia Calefato, Massimiliamo Capella, Vittoria Caterina Caratozzolo, Angelo Flaccavento, Antonio Mancinelli, Federica Muzzarelli, Alistair O’Neill, Luca Scarlini, Valerie Steele

Exhibition Design: Pietro Ruffo with Studio Kami Architects

Rooms of the Arts, First floor, Reggia di Venaria
Wednesday, 12 April 2017 to Sunday, 27 August 2017